I have always found comfort and solace in Nature. In addition to the wonder of the plant world, I was always drawn to the sense of peace and freedom in the garden.
I was raised in a fundamentalist doomsday cult, and have spent many years finding ways to overcome the painful feelings of guilt and shame from my experiences. Flower Essences have been essential in this process, and I love helping others find relief from their challenging emotions.
As a Nature Intuitive, I listen closely to the messages of the plant devas, and carefully match their healing qualities to the needs of my clients.
I have trained extensively in the field of Flower Essence Therapy, and am certified by Jane Bell and the Alaskan Flower Essence Project. My experience includes five years working for Jane Bell as her assistant practitioner, supporting her educational programs and participating in the development and launch of her Hawaiian Essence series.
Since 2008, I have been developing my own line of flower essences, the Flora of Asia. Each essence in the collection has been created in deep connection to the wild-source plants growing in a pristine garden in Glen Ellen, CA. Many of these plants have been used for thousands of years as herbs in Chinese Medicine and are available now for the first time as flower essences.
You can find out more about the Flora of Asia flower essences and my consulting practice for people and animals here. Please do join me on Facebook and Instagram - I love sharing the wonders of Nature.